#93: Your Lifeā€™s GPS Needs to be Prompted Regularly

empowerment growth strategy Jan 07, 2021
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Ever wake up and have nothing much to do? Do your days feel like you’re floating in a bowl of jelly? If so, you’re not alone. Bipolar disorder, with its constant flux of emotions and energy, can rob even the most dedicated working person of their desire to keep it all going. And if ordinary people can have trouble when it comes to goal-setting and goal-achievements, how much more the ones with a mental illness?

On today’s show, Mike concludes his annual wrap up with setting short, easy-to-understand goals for the entire new year. By creating a master plan for your life, you will gain a “GPS” that results in turn-by-turn instructions for success in the journey.

You don’t want to miss it!


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  • Becoming a formal “planner” type of person isn’t necessary if you want to achieve new goals. Even the most “free-spirited” person can pull off incredible and calculated feats of living.

  • Whether you’re a free spirit or a planner, your chances of accomplishing the things you desire increase dramatically when you commit your goals to your subconscious.

  • When you set your life plan (your life’s GPS), you can naturally break down the process into smaller pieces that are do-able, day-by-day. This is how you avoid waking up with nothing to do!


Lifer Discussion Guide

Use the questions in today’s Lifer Guide to assist you over any hurdles you may have to clear as you address your mental health. These are special conversations!

“Lifers” are people who have unwavering faithfulness. This assures you that they’ll stick by you through all the highs and lows that are normal for a life with mental health challenges. If you haven’t nominated a lifelong family member or friend as part of your non-medical support team, what are you waiting for? :-)


The Questions:

1) When you hear Mike talk about making a “life plan”, what about that sounds difficult to do?

2) When you hear Mike talk about designing goals for all “life accounts”, which ones do you do well with? / Which life accounts are a continual challenge for you?

3) What part of planning is at odds with your experience of bipolar disorder?

4) What is your most important plan for this year? / What are you most excited about achieving?


Join the Tribe!

Once you’ve had a chance to talk or journal about these things you might have a question from this episode. If so, make sure you head on over to The Bipolar Now Podcast Network on Facebook! There’s quite a few people over there who are also taking a new step in their mental health. And we’d love for you to share your story with us when you’re ready. So don’t miss out!


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