#90: How to Use Your Regrets to Power Your Preferred Future

empowerment recovery reflection Dec 10, 2020
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The past is an interesting thing to be aware of, especially if you’ve had a bipolar disorder creating memories for you. But often times, it’s not even the disease that causes uncomfortable memories. Many times, it’s just that something didn’t go as planned. And now that’s taking up precious space in your mind and ruining your day.

That’s why today’s episode of The Bipolar Now Podcast is about taking those thoughts captive and transforming them from detractors into accelerators. What if your bad memories—of whatever—could be changed into helpful energies the moment they “pop up”? On today’s show, Mike shares how you can get farther down the road even when your past is full of potholes.

You don't want to miss it!


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  • Everyone has regrets, and many people even take them to their graves, no matter how well they did in life. Doing a little work now on what regrets you have if the end were today will save you from heartache later.

  • Regrets take all sizes and shapes. While they are all unpleasant in the moment, you can learn to convert them into fuel for a better life—a life where regrets have little gravity on you and you feel released from the chains of the past.

  • Oftentimes, regrets take the form of relationships gone bad, especially if you or the other person said hurtful things. Instead of going over it endlessly with nothing to show for it, you can use that past regret as fuel for becoming a better partner today.


Lifer Discussion Guide

Use the questions in today’s Lifer Guide to assist you over any hurdles you may have to clear as you address your mental health.

“Lifers” are special people who have unwavering faithfulness. This assures you that they’ll stick by you through all the highs and lows that are normal for a life with mental health challenges. If you haven’t nominated a lifelong family member or friend as part of your non-medical support team, what are you waiting for? :-)


The Questions:

1) What was one mischievous activity you got caught doing when you were younger? / Do you remember feeling regret over that? 

2) Do you tend to make “silly” regrets or “serious” ones? / Share an example with me.

3) How often do you think of the past event or episode, where it bothers you? / Is it getting worse?

4) What do you think of Mike’s “Rocket Fuel” strategy for regrets? / Is this something you’d like to learn how to do with a professional therapist sometime?


Join the Tribe!

Once you’ve had a chance to talk or journal about these things you might have a question from this episode. If so, make sure you head on over to The Bipolar Now Podcast Network on Facebook! There’s quite a few people over there who are also taking a new step in their mental health. And we’d love for you to share your story with us when you’re ready. So don’t miss out!