#121: Getting Your Goals Back on Track

empowerment growth strategy Jul 29, 2021
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Did you set any goals during the New Year this year? If so, it’s not unusual for you to get off track even just a few months in. Circumstances change. Desires change. Options become narrow. Things get blocked. Even the best intentions can get drowned out by the noise of reality.

Then you throw a bipolar disorder in the mix. Suddenly your goals are a constantly moving target as your days become consumed with mood swings and symptoms. Is it hopeless? Should you bail on all those great ideas and dreams?

If you ask Mike Lardi, the answer is a firm “hell no!” What we create in order for our mental health to flourish is worth more than all the usual dreams of a better body, a new partner, or better pay. That’s why today’s episode of The Bipolar Now Podcast is full of practical tips to rescue your goals from things that are less important.

You don’t wanna miss it!


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  • When taking on a new goal or project (think getting in shape, doing a personal reinvention, going back to school or starting that business or non-profit), you need to fill five “buckets” in order to be successful. These are Opportunity, Vision, Resources, Connections, and Persistence.

  • Your Life Plan isn’t just a collection of wishes for the future. You can actually control the investments you make into 10 different life accounts: Health, Family, Friends, Intimate Relationship, Work/Mission, Finances, Adventure, Hobby, Spiritual, and Emotional.

  • The goal is to fill up these life accounts until they’re all healthy. This requires an “attitude of acquisition”. But as you add more to these accounts you’ll find your mental health can’t help but flourish even in the midst of challenging circumstances and commitments.


Lifer Discussion Guide

Use the questions in today’s Lifer Guide to assist you over any hurdles you may have to clear as you address your mental health. These are special conversations!

“Lifers” are people who have unwavering faithfulness. This assures you that they’ll stick by you through all the highs and lows that are normal for a life with mental health challenges. If you haven’t nominated a lifelong family member or friend as part of your non-medical support team, what are you waiting for? :-)


The Questions:

1) Where are you at in the goals you set earlier this year? / Are you on-track? Or are you a little behind and need to catch up?

2) What’s been the number one challenge to the goals you set this year?

3) At this mid-year check-up, do you have any goals that you need to maintain? / How about goals that need to be adjusted or amplified?

4) Do you have any goals that need to be pruned or cut out entirely? / Why?

5) What’s your number one goal right now? / What would feel like a success as you enter the end of the year with this?


Join the Tribe!

Once you’ve had a chance to talk or journal about these things you might have a question from this episode. If so, make sure you head on over to The Bipolar Now Podcast Network on Facebook! There’s quite a few people over there who are also taking a new step in their mental health. And we’d love for you to share your story with us when you’re ready. So don’t miss out!