#85: Scared to be Happy (But Scared to be Sad)
Nov 05, 2020
If you have a bipolar disorder, there is nothing more welcome than legitimately feeling well again. After countless hours of misery and dark skies, there’s finally a ray of sunshine and warmth breaking through. And then that daylight returns to the soul. These are the most coveted moments for a person living under mental illness.
But does it ever scare you to know that there is only more darkness around the corner? Do you get a taste of joyful living, only to have it soured by the threat of relapse? If so, you are like every other human being who has had to deal with bipolar depression. The high almost always precedes the low. So are there any answers? Is it possible to live in joy, free from fear of this disease?
As Mike shares on today’s episode of The Bipolar Now Podcast, there is something you can do to make fear’s grip a lot less worrisome. And it has to do with making your everyday environment(s) more healthy. Create great places to live and work and rest and you just might stop giving relapse your waking attention.
Plus there’s plenty more ideas jam-packed inside this episode!
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Sometimes it can take years to get back to being happy when you’ve had bipolar symptoms. Make sure you keep up on the things that have contributed to your new outlook.
It’s perfectly normal to know what to change and what to do differently in your management of manic depression, but to not take action. Change is hard! There is no shame in the struggle.
Sometimes the feeling of joy is the hardest thing to adjust to in our everyday moments that are not connected to bipolar mania. Learn to trust the difference between happiness and hypomania.
Lifer Discussion Guide
Use the questions in today’s Lifer Guide to assist you over any hurdles you may have to clear as you address your mental health.
“Lifers” are special people who have unwavering faithfulness. This assures you that they’ll stick by you through all the highs and lows that are normal for a life with mental health challenges. If you haven’t nominated a lifelong family member or friend as part of your non-medical support team, what are you waiting for? :-)
The Questions:
1) Where were you when some of your most joyful moments happened when you were young?
2) Over the last three months, how often would you say you felt genuine happiness? / Can you remember what caused this feeling?
3) How do you relate to the person on today’s show who said she is afraid of being well, because it only means that being sick is right around the corner? / Do you feel scared of your diagnosis?
4) How do you feel about Mike’s suggestion to change your environment to produce more happiness? / Is there one area you can focus on to make changes in your environment?
Join the Tribe!
Once you’ve had a chance to talk or journal about these things you might have a question from this episode. If so, make sure you head on over to The Bipolar Now Podcast Network on Facebook! There’s quite a few people over there who are also taking a new step in their mental health. And we’d love for you to share your story with us when you’re ready. So don’t miss out!