#30: True Friends Are Worth Pursuing

growth lifers wellness Oct 10, 2019
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So in celebration of 30 episodes of this brand new show, I was able to gather my three “Lifers” (most supportive buddies) for a special dinner. It was the first time any of us had been together, but because I hand-picked these guys for their outstanding qualities, the chemistry was instantaneous.

What I learned from this encounter taught me many things about the nature of a true friend. Bipolar disorder is one of those things that only helps to tear apart quality relationships. To be surrounded by people who willingly walk beside me is proof that even mental illness cannot threaten the bond.

Have your friendships taken a direct hit by the nature of your diagnosis? Take heart that they can be established once again, and even built up beyond the former days if you so choose. Having a friend for life bolsters the belief that you can still do the powerful things that are kept in your heart.

You don't want to mis this episode!


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Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts!  With every past episode at your fingertips, plus special Bonus Content with my guests, what's not to love! And if you're feeling generous, would you please leave me a review? It is a special treat to read each and every one of them. Just write about your favorite part of the show! :-) 



  • The best “Lifers” are found amongst the people you already know, but maybe haven’t been connected to in recent times.

  • You do not lack anything that high-quality people possess just because you have a mental illness.

  • Even with a mental disability in place, your Lifers will have more belief in you than you have in yourself, which makes them worth finding.


Lifer Discussion Guide

Today’s episode spells out exactly how Mike built his Lifer super support team. That’s what this discussion guide is built around—finding the right person or persons to talk through everything you encounter as you do this life with a mental health challenge. Use the following questions on each other to dive deeper into the episode.


The Questions:

1) What is one of your earliest memories of me?

2) What was going on in your life when I shared my diagnosis with you? How did that affect you?

3) How much have we developed in our relationship since those days?

4) Where do you think we could take our support of each other up another level from here?


Join the Tribe!

Once you’ve had a chance to talk or journal about these things you might have a question from this episode. If so, make sure you head on over to The Bipolar Now Podcast Network on Facebook! There’s quite a few people over there who are also taking a new step in their mental health. And we’d love for you to share your story with us when you’re ready. So don’t miss out!


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